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toast() API

Call it to create a toast from anywhere, even outside React components, such as in your state management tools.

Make sure you add the <Toasts/> component to your app first.

Basic Usage

import { toast } from '@backpackapp-io/react-native-toast';

// ...

toast('Hello World');

// ...

toast('Hello World', {
duration: 4000,
position: ToastPosition.TOP,
icon: '👏',
animationType: 'timing',
animationConfig: {
duration: 500,
flingPositionReturnDuration: 200,
easing: Easing.elastic(1),

Creating a toast


toast('Hello World');

The most basic variant.


toast.success('Successfully created!');

Creates a notification with a success indicator on the left.


toast.error('This is an error!');

Creates a notification with an error indicator on the left.

Custom (JSX)

import { resolveValue } from "@backpackapp-io/react-native-toast";

toast("", {
customToast: (toast) => (
<Text>{resolveValue(toast.message, toast)}</Text>

Creates a custom notification with JSX. Have complete control over your toast.

Full example

import { resolveValue } from "@backpackapp-io/react-native-toast";

toast(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(), {
width: screenWidth,
disableShadow: true,
customToast: (toast) => {
return (
height: toast.height,
width: toast.width,
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
borderRadius: 8,
<Text>{resolveValue(toast.message, toast)}</Text>


const id = toast.loading('Waiting...');

//Somewhere later in your code...


This will create a loading notification. Most likely, you want to update it afterwards. For a friendly alternative, check out toast.promise(), which takes care of that automatically.


This shorthand is useful for mapping a promise to a toast. It will update automatically when the promise resolves or fails.

Simple Usage

const myPromise = fetchData();

toast.promise(myPromise, {
loading: 'Loading',
success: 'Got the data',
error: 'Error when fetching',


You can provide a function to the success/error messages to incorporate the result/error of the promise. The third argument is toastOptions.

loading: 'Loading',
success: (data) => `Successfully saved ${}`,
error: (err) => `This just happened: ${err.toString()}`,
duration: 2000

Default durations

Every type has its own duration. You can overwrite them by using the duration field within the toast options.


Dismiss toast programmatically

You can manually dismiss a notification with toast.dismiss. Be aware that it triggers the exit animation and does not remove the Toast instantly. Toasts will auto-remove after 1 second by default.

Dismiss a single toast

const toastId = toast('Loading...');

// ...


You can dismiss all toasts at once, by leaving out the toastId.

Dismiss all toasts at once


To remove toasts instantly without any animations, use toast.remove.

Remove toasts instantly


// or


Update an existing toast

Each toast call returns a unique id. Use in the toast options to update the existing toast.

const toastId = toast.loading('Loading...');

// ...

toast.success('This worked', {
id: toastId,

Prevent duplicate toasts

To prevent duplicates of the same kind, you can provide a unique permanent id.

toast.success('Copied to clipboard!', {
id: 'clipboard',

Prevent Swipe to Dismiss

toast('This toast cannot be swiped away', {
duration: 4000,
position: ToastPosition.TOP,
isSwipeable: false, // <-- Add here (defaults to true)

Disable Shadow

You can disable the shadow of the toast by setting disableShadow to true.

toast('This toast has no shadow', {
duration: 4000,
position: ToastPosition.TOP,
disableShadow: true, // <-- Add here (defaults to false)

Animation Options

Control the animation type and configuration for toasts. Note: it is important to still supply the duration when configuring the animation. The duration in animatonConfig controls the duration of the opacity animation, not the total duration of the toast.

import { toast } from 'react-native-toast';

// Show a toast with custom animation settings'This is a toast message', {
animationType: 'spring',
animationConfig: {
duration: 500,
stiffness: 100,
position: 'top',

Adjust toast width to hug text

To have the toast adjust its width based on the content of the text, you can apply the following styles.

AutoWidthStyles = {
pressable: {
maxWidth: width - 32,
alignSelf: 'center',
left: null,
paddingHorizontal: 16
view: {
flexGrow: 1,
flexShrink: 1,
maxWidth: width - 32,
paddingHorizontal: 0,
width: undefined
text: {
flex: undefined,
flexGrow: 1,
flexShrink: 1,
flexWrap: 'wrap'

These styles can be applied to the defaultStyle prop in the <Toasts /> component or to each toast instance individually. If you use these styles frequently, I recommend creating an object that you can add directly to each toast call, e.g.,

toast('my toast', {
styles: AutoWidthStyles

where AutoWidthStyles holds the actual styles for auto width.

Maximum Width

You can set a maximum width for the toast by using the maxWidth option. This is useful when you want to limit the width of the toast to a certain value, regardless of the content size. Note If you provide a width to the toast, it will override the maxWidth option.

toast('This toast has a maximum width', {
duration: 4000,
position: ToastPosition.TOP,
maxWidth: 100, // <-- Add here

All toast() Options

durationnumber3000Duration in milliseconds. Set to Infinity to keep the toast open until dismissed manually.
positionenum1Position of the toast. Can be ToastPosition.TOP or ToastPosition.BOTTOM.
idstringUnique id for the toast.
iconElementIcon to display on the left of the toast.
animationTypestring'timing'Animation type. Can be 'timing' or 'spring'.
animationConfigobjectAnimation configuration.
customToastfunctionCustom toast component.
widthnumberWidth of the toast.
heightnumberHeight of the toast.
disableShadowbooleanfalseDisable shadow on the toast.
isSwipeablebooleantrueDisable/Enable swipe to dismiss the toast.
providerKeystring'DEFAULT'Provider key for the toast.
accessibilityMessagestringAccessibility message for screen readers.
stylesobjectStyles for the toast.
maxWidthnumberMaximum width of the toast.